Charlette has 9 teeth now. 4 top 3 bottom and then left both top and bottom molors. She is in the process of getting the at least 1 more tooth too. She looks so cute with all her teeth I just love her smile :)
We had her big birthay party for her daddy's side of the family. It was very crazy planning this party but well worth it. We enjoyed everybodys company and it was a lot of fun. Charlette had almost a 3 hour nap that day so she woke up and was ready to PARTY!! Mommy and daddy on the other hand ran around like crazy people to get everything ready. Daddy, papa Kirk, grandma Cathy and B Moore got the yard ready and tents up since we woke up to rain that day. Mommy ran to Midland to get hotdogs, balloons, cake, GaryLee and Sarah and Braelyn. Everything went to plan except the cake. The lady wrote down that the cake was needed AUGUST 31st instead of JULY 31st. After saying see you next Saturday when ordered I ASSUMED (which I will try not to do anymore) she got it all right. Charlettes loving daddy fixed it and they decided to stay late and make my baby girl her 1st birthday cake :) Then Aunt Nikki picked it up, brought it to us and it was BLUE frosting instead of WHITE!! I was soooo over it I was just happy to have a cake and it was still cute....also made for good pictures. They spelled her name right and I was really worried about that. In the end the rain stopped and my baby girl had a great party with yummy cake :) Here are some super cute pictures of our Charlette Grace at her 1st birthday party!!
OK...enough mommy....
What is that daddy??
This year has went by so fast!! I miss alot of things about her infant stage but I LOVE where she is at now and look forward to watching her discover and learn even more. She has had such a personality since the day she was born and it keeps growing and growing. She loves people and being around large groups...she gets that from her daddy. Then at the same time she loves to stay home and hang out with mommy and daddy...she gets that from her mommy. Another year will fly by and I will be writing about her walking and talking and her new interest and I will be crying for that birthday too :)
Look how much I grew in 1 year!!!