Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby update and Asia

I am just updating on how the pregnancy is going. I am in my 13th week. As I was just starting to think that the morning nausea was disappearing, I got the flu. I am over it now and cleaning my whole house. (I say that like it's huge). Even if I have a small house to clean it takes a lot of energy out me. This is all in between my frequent potty breaks and of course eating breaks. I am starting to get more energy - thank goodness. I am actually wanting to get out of the house a little bit instead of wanting to sleep all day everyday. Joe is spoiling me (not like he didn't before I was pregnant -your all thinking). He goes out to get me my cravings. It used to be olives but now I want root beer floats and original bubble gum. Not together! I still want Mexican food all the time but I am starting to get heart burn so I don't know how long this will last. My next regular appointment is Feb. 6th.

Here are my belly pics......

This is Dec. 29

This is Jan21

I don't know if you can really see the size difference but my belly is tightening up.

Now for our other baby. I have to show everyone the Christmas photos of Asia and also her before a haircut and after her haircut pictures.



She hated the bows they lasted for about as long as this picture.

1 comment:

  1. when i read the title at first i thought you were naming the baby asia. ha ha. i am glad i was wrong.

    when i was pregnant i craved watermelon. i loved, loved, loved it. have hardly eaten it since.
