Saturday, October 17, 2009

Two Months

Daddy and Charlie playtime!

We had Charlette's two month appointment on Tuesday. The doctor said his every appointment lecture on reading books and listening to classical music everyday. Tummy time everyday. No TV. Alone time with mommy and alone time with daddy separately. Also alone time for mommy and daddy. He is very funny when it comes to these things.

We try to do all of these things... the hard one is for mommy and daddy to go places without Charlie. We always take her with us where ever we go. Oh and she loves TV. I don't set her in front of the TV for her to watch it but she will turn her head to watch it. She loves it so much. All the colors and movement must capture her attention. She loves reading books and listening to music so those are easy ones.

The doctor put her on her belly to see how she holds herself up....she does really good. She pushes herself up using her elbows now. Anyway he was looking at that and she rolled right over. He said "Honestly, don't even worry about her just worry about yourselves." So she is doing well.

I am still nursing and it is going well because she weighs 13 lbs now. This is the 95th percentile for her weight. She is 23 1/2 inches long and this is the 83rd percentile for length.

She then had to get shots. One oral and three shots. One of the shots had 3 vaccines in it. She turned purple because she was crying and nothing was coming out. Then after the nurse was done she only cried for a min. She never got a fever so she did very well. She was a little bit sleepier than normal for a couple days afterward but that was it. She will go back for her 4 month checkup.

Today we went to the pumpkin patch. We went to one right in Coleman. This will probably be a yearly trip from here on out. She enjoyed it I think. She never fussed. She slept through part of the hay ride and she was awake for everything else (we were there for two hours!)

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1 comment:

  1. Kisses and snuggles sent Charlies way from her Grandma Traci
